13th Congress Poland Great Project – Sovereignty

June 2-4, Arkady Kubickiego, Warsaw

We find ourselves at a moment in history when Poland’s sovereignty is no longer an obvious matter. Russia’s barbaric onslaught on Ukraine has shattered the peace in Europe and served as a stark reminder that there can be no end to history as postulated for years. However, as Professor Zdzisław Krasnodębski rightly pointed out, the threat to independence and sovereignty not only comes in the shape of hostile military actions. The subjectivity of our state is also being called into question by the policies of the European Union, which is using financial and cultural tools to put pressure on Poland. At the same time, it should be remembered that independence has not only a political dimension but also an identity dimension, based on a sense of economy, cultivation of tradition, and rootedness in Christian morality.

The program of the 13th Congress Poland the Great Project will touch on geopolitics, the impact of Russian culture on Western Europe, the condition of universities, and reparations. In addition to discussion panels, we will traditionally hand the “Courage and Credibility” medal and President Lech Kaczynski’s Prize. We will be hosting prominent intellectuals, and representatives of the world of culture, science, and business from Poland and abroad – all to provide you with the best intellectual meeting of conservative communities.

At this year’s Poland the Great Project Congress, we want to encourage reflection on the state of Polish sovereignty and ways to strengthen it, in the spirit of the words of President Andrzej Duda, who reminded us that independence is not given once and for all and should be constantly strived for. It will also be a contribution to the conversation about the condition of Europe and the shape of the world order that is forging before our eyes. We are convinced that we are standing at a key moment in history, in which we must protect what is most precious to us, but also take advantage of opportunities to develop and strengthen Poland’s position.
