Worked at senior levels in business, government and international development, specialising in leadership and organisation development. He is Senior Faculty of the Presencing Institute, Research Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Said Business School and Senior Adviser to the Africa-Oxford (AfOx) Programme at the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship. Martin also serves as Core-Faculty for the Global Alliance for Banking on Values Leadership Academy. He also serves as Chair of the Selection Committee for His Royal Higheness Duke of Edinborough’s Commonwealth Study Conference for Leaders. Martin has co-designed and co-facilitated numerous system transformation programs for business, government and civil society organisations in different parts of the world. He is co-founder of Ubuntu.Lab Institute, regional manifestation of Global U.School of the Presencing Institute, with a commitment to training thousands of change-makers across the continent. Between March 2005 and May 2008, Martin served as Special Consultant to the President of Zambia, with the responsibility to role-model and re-establish the position of Chief of Staff in the Presidency. Since then, he has served as Thinking Partner to a number of Chiefs of Staff to Heads of State and Prime Ministers in a number of countries. Martin is the author of the international bestseller Leading Like Madiba: Leadership Lessons from Nelson Mandela (2006). Other books he has authored are: It’s How We End That Matters: Leadership Lessons from an African President (2009); and Driftology: How to Access Life’s Greatest Opportunities by Flying on the Wings of Others (2015).